Our Legal Panel
Héloïse Ramage-Hayes
Vice Chair - Former Assistant Legal Officer (Employment) for the Free Representation Unit. Current Employment Law Adviser.
Ali Kazmi
Secretary to the Legal Panel - (Unregistered) Barrister
Anthony Kay
Partner at Otium Legal.
Stephen Kohn
Founding member of Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto and NWC’s Board Chairman. Read More
Louise Mankau
Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers
Simon Natas
I am proud to have supported WhistleblowersUK from the beginning and witnessed the difference its work has made to many people. Too many whistleblowers find themselves confronted with allegations of crimes after raising the alarm about crimes
Sean Reilly
“I support WhistleblowersUK and their proposals for an Office of the Whistleblower. Too many whistleblowers are wrongly accused of criminal activity, threatened or arrested by the police.” Read More
Liam Ryan
Liam is a barrister at 7BR specialising in personal injury, clinical negligence and stress at work claims.
Lewis Walker
Lewis works as secretary to our legal panel while training to become a solicitor Beltrami & Company Ltd
Elkan Abrahamson
‘I’m a firm believer that people struggling with powerful bodies need empowering. We all need to be able to ‘speak truth to power’ without fear of the consequences. I’ve spoken out about Hillsborough.’
Arun Chauhan
Arun is an accomplished lawyer specialising in fraud and financial crime. He founded Tenet in 2016, having been a Partner and heading up a commercial fraud team at a top 20 national law firm.
Francesca West
Francesca is an expert in whistleblowing law and practice. She has worked with over 1,000 whistleblowers to help them raise their concerns in the workplace while ensuring their legal rights are protected.