Help me
We are an organisation that strives to help whistleblowers who have experienced “Detriment” as a result of making “Protected Disclosures”.
It would be helpful to know more about your circumstances in relation to whistleblowing before we can proceed further:
Please click the help me button which will take you through to our whistleblowing system, WhistleB.
In order to understand your case and to be able to assist you it is essential for you to have a timeline of events. Please complete our Chronology template and attach it to the form.
Please note that if you have household insurance you may also have insurance to pay for legal advice in employment disputes. It is worth checking your policy.
By talking about your story and what you’ve been going through, you can help us tell powerful stories that raise awareness and ensure they remain a public and political priority.
Whether you are a past whistleblower or someone that has recently raised concern, we’d love to hear from you.
By sharing your experiences, stories like yours can get people thinking, talking, changing attitudes, challenging stigma, and helping as many people as possible. These personal stories can also inspire people to fundraise, volunteer, and campaign for us.
Your experiences will always be anonymized and you don’t have to provide your real name. From time to time, we may contact you to ask if you’d be happy to talk about your experiences on our website or social media, in fundraising appeals or maybe helping out with a short media interview.
We would never consider using any part of your story without asking you first.
People who’ve shared their story often find it a really positive experience and an opportunity to make a real difference for other people that have blown the whistle and their families.
All you need to do at this stage is click on the ‘Share your story’ button below and answer some questions, giving us as much information as you can and feel comfortable with. If we need more details, a member of the WBUK team will get in touch to have a chat.
Thank you in advance for all your help and support