Case Studies
Case Study 1 - Ameena
WhistleblowersUK helps whistleblowers find the best outcome for them. Sometimes this means that we provide expert help in the Employment Tribunal but in other cases we help people to remain with their employer and sometimes we provide help to move on.
We helped Ameena (not her real name), a senior engineer for a global manufacturing company, secure a 6 figure settlement.
Ameena, a senior engineer and product designer approached WhistleblowersUK after her employer refused to take the action necessary to remedy a serious safety defect that impacted citizens on a global scale. As a result of raising her concerns she was being sidelined and was being edged out of her job and bullied by colleagues who initially supported her but went on to look the other way.
We assisted Ameena to draft her grievance and pursue her concerns ensuring that they were comprehensively and properly addressed. We went on to help Ameena with a job search and negotiate her exit from the company. We successfully prevented any form of NDA or the imposition of clauses that would have prevented her move into a new organisation where whistleblowers are positively welcome.
Ameema said, "I was going around in circles until I met WhistleblowersUK, I felt that I was the problem and was told that I needed to keep my head down if I wanted to work in the industry. WhistleblowersUK not only gave me confidence but guided and supported me every step of the way. I, and my family cannot thank them enough and even with the stress of relocation we are all eternally grateful for the team that went above and beyond all expectations to help us. I know that by putting something back, WhistleblowersUK can continue to help others."