Whistleblowing Awareness Week 20th to 24th March 2023

It’s time to transform whistleblowing!

This is a historic event and the APPG for Whistleblowing and WhistleblowersUK want everyone to join us in the UK’s First Whistleblowing Awareness Week. (WBAW)

WBAW will be the Helen of Troy of whistleblowing – the week that launched a 1000 conversations and put the UK firmly at the forefront of the global conversation to transform the way that whistleblowing and whistleblowers are treated. 

Whistleblowing Awareness Week is an opportunity to come and meet Mary Robinson MP, chair of the APPG for Whistleblowing and the rest of the APPG members, supported by us here at WhistleblowersUK during a full week of events and debates. Whistleblowing Awareness Week is for everyone because we all need whistleblowers because they keep us safe. 

Discussions will be taking place where across Westminster not just about the progress of the  about the Protection for Whistleblowing Bill and why this is the right way forward for the citizens of the UK, but it demonstrates a cultural shift at the heart of policy making. 

Most of the speakers have confirmed their availability, some will be joining us from around the world. The rooms have been booked and the programme has been published inviting you to lobby your MP to join you in raising your voice to support WBAW and the change this will drive.

There will be a full day in person conference at the offices of Grant Thornton on Thursday 23rd March to look at the Future of Whistleblowing and tickets are free. The event is open to professionals and others with an interest in leading cultural change. 

For all of the Westminster Events if you cannot attend in person please check the programme for log in details as many of the discussions will be live and on line. All events are free. 

Why should you get involved?

We are all one conversation away from being a Whistleblower and we must put an end to shooting the messenger. WBAW is another step toward a just society.

Georgina Halford-Hall

CEO WhistleblowersUK 


The Future of Whistleblowing - What does it look like in the UK?


Whistleblowing Awareness Week – Update 20th – 24th March