Ed Davey highlights key contributions of Post Office Whistleblower

Speaking to the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg earlier today [Sunday 16th June] the Leader of the Liberal Democracts Ed Davey spoke about his experience as the minister responsible for the Post Office during the coalition Government of 2010-15.

In the piece for the BBC he said “I was lied to by the Post Office” in relation to details regarding the nature and scale of the unfolding scandal within the organisation stemming from the flawed Horizon accounting software produced by Fujitsu. These flaws led to over 900 sub-postmasters being convicted during a sixteen year period, resulting in the loss of livelihoods and lives.

Earlier this year Rishi Sunak described the scandal as “one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in British history.

Ed Davey described the whistleblower as the “key” to unveiling the nature and scope of the scandal.

The Liberal Democrats, with Ed Davey as their leader, are now pushing for better rights and protections for whistleblowers across the UK to ensure that future mistakes are not concealed from people in power, thereby preventing them from growing into the scandal the likes of which we have seen in this case.

We will continue to support Government’s of any colour who commit to introducing legislation which protects and enhances the rights of whistleblowers.


Jo Gideon joins WhistleblowersUK Board


What do the manifesto documents mean for Whistleblowers?